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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Remembering Bob Hoskins

"I came into this business uneducated, dyslexic, five feet six inches, cubic, with a face like a squashed cabbage-and they welcomed me with open arms." -July 2009

Bob Hoskins passed away from pneumonia at age 71 on Tuesday. He was a talented and beloved actor. Let's take a look at some facts you might not have known about him.

'Who Framed Roger Rabbit'  (1988)
A huge aspect of my childhood was watching this movie on VHS over and over again. It really blew me away when I saw an interview of Bob Hoskins years later on television and saw that he was speaking with a British accent. He is so convincing as an American detective in this movie that I was shocked to find out he was actually born and raised in England. 

Although his cause of death has been cited as pneumonia, what people might not realize is that he also suffered from Parkinson's disease. In 2012 Hoskins announced his retirement from acting after his diagnosis of the degenerative disorder. 

Bob Hoskins might not have been a superstar, but he got to work with some of the most prestigious film directors during his career. Can you match up the movies belonging to the directors pictured here that Hoskins had a part in? Answers below.

'Brazil' (directed by Terry Gilliam)
'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' and 'A Christmas Carol' (both directed by Robert Zemeckis)
'Hook' (directed by Steven Spielberg)
'The Cotton Club' (directed by Francis Ford Coppola)

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