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Monday, July 21, 2014

Trailer for 'The Imitation Game'

"Did you know that it was an openly gay Englishman who's responsible for winning World War II? His name's Alan Turing and he cracked the German's enigma code. After the war was over, he committed suicide because he was so haunted for being gay. Why don't they teach any of that in schools? A gay man is responsible for winning World War II. If they did maybe he wouldn't have killed himself and you wouldn't be so terrified of who you are." 
-The Normal Heart

I really loved HBO's television movie "The Normal Heart." I highly recommend watching it before the Emmy Awards ceremony airs next month. That quote above is one of the best lines that Mark Ruffalo's character, Ned Weeks, delivers. Alan Turing is the subject of the upcoming movie 'The Imitation Game.' The trailer is now out, and the film looks amazing. It hits theaters on November 21.

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