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Friday, August 28, 2015

'Project Runway' Recap: Episode 4

We're not even halfway through this season of 'Project Runway' and already I find myself cursing at the television and wondering if maybe I should find a local support group to get me through some of my anger issues with the reality show. Yesterday the judges made some questionable choices, making me wonder if they have actually lost their minds. How was Edmond not in the top? How the hell was Jake safe? Those are just a couple of things I simply cannot wrap my head around.

There have been some pretty unique challenges throughout the 14 seasons of 'Project Runway.' Remember in season 7 when the designers had to make an outfit out of a burlap potato sack? The show does a good job of having weird challenges like that one, mixed with opportunities where the designers can use traditional fabrics. Yesterday was a pretty basic challenge. The designers had a decent budget ($250) and they could use whatever products they wanted at Mood. Yet many contestants had total breakdowns creating their looks. These types of meltdowns have happened throughout the history of 'Project Runway,' and are always entertaining to watch. People overthink their designs, they are sleep-deprived, and lots of other good stuff happens. So, let's take a look at some of my favorite and least favorite moments from the 4th episode of this season of 'Project Runway.'


Kiernan Shipka

Once again, the show had another fabulous guest judge. The young actress was thoughtful in what she said to the designers and gave some of the best critique of the season. She came across as the most mature 16 year old I have ever seen. Maybe she should consider a backup career in fashion if the whole acting thing doesn't work out.

Edmond wore a headlamp

I nearly died when they showed Edmond using a head-torch to work on his garment. He is the best. We're only four episodes in, but I am confident that Edmond is going to be one of the three to go to fashion week. He is driven, focused, and clearly has a game plan. When I saw his headlamp, it reminded me of this hilarious post that went viral a couple years ago. 

Candice has great hair

Candice has one of the best haircuts I have ever seen. Her bob is impeccably layered, and the jet black color looks so great on her. I know this show is about fashion, but who the hell is her hair stylist? How does she get her hair to look so shiny?


Blake was the winner?

I was shocked that Blake was in the top three. I thought that the best part of his look was the necklace that he put on his model. The blue material looks like a parachute. After the critique when the judges were examining the clothes, even Nina and Zac admitted that the outfit wasn't as well made as it should have been. It seems like the judges are more interested in rewarding designs that are risky instead of ones that are the best. If it were up to me, Edmond's look should have been the winning one. He wasn't even in the top three! Edmond's outfit was well tailored, original, and very sexy. Maybe it's time that Michael Kors return to the show as a judge.

Jake wasn't in the bottom?

Jake's dress was way too short. The overall look was very tacky. His model looks like she belongs in a long line waiting to get inside a shitty dance club in Hollywood. I don't think Lindsey's outfit was great, but I think she should have been safe instead of Jake. Her outfit was on the boring side, but it was at least wearable. Jake's dress looks like it would be on a $5 rack at the back of a store. 

Bad editing
One of my pet peeves about this show is that the editing of the confessionals clearly reveals which designers did not get eliminated. I'll use Amanda as an example. Just like last week, Amanda created a bad look and was in the bottom three. Although it was pretty obvious that Gabrielle was going to get sent home in this week's episode, there was a decent chance that Amanda could have been the one to get the boot. Look at the first photo below. During the critique, Amanda is wearing a dress and her hair is straight. 

Now take a look at this photo.

In this clip, Amanda is talking about being in the bottom three yet again. She's obviously wearing a different outfit and her hair is curled. When I saw this on my television, I immediately knew that she was safe and that this confessional was recorded on a different day. Throughout the seasons of 'Project Runway,' this type of editing has always bummed me out. I really enjoy the element of surprise when Heidi announces who is out. The confessionals should be done on the same day as the runway show!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Free Screening of 'The Visit' in Greenville, NC

M. Night Shyamalan's newest movie doesn't hit theaters until September 11. Most of the free screenings for the film are already booked up. However, it looks like there are still some spots available for the September 1st showing of the flick in North Carolina. Go here for more details. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

'Project Runway' Recap: Episode 3

We're only three episodes into this current season of 'Project Runway' and it's pretty bitchin so far. Every season there is a consistent pattern in the first few episodes: the designers are all best friends and super supportive of each other at first, but once they are forced to do a team challenge, all hell breaks loose. That is exactly what happened in last night's episode. Let's take a look at the best and worst moments from this season's first team challenge. 

Amanda and Gabrielle end up in the bottom
It's always so entertaining to watch a designer act confidently during a challenge, feel good about the final product, only later to be told by Heidi Klum that they are in the bottom. Teammates Amanda and Gabrielle got along really well while designing their outfit. They were both pretty confident going into the runway show. It made for great TV that they actually ended up being in the bottom three. Their look wasn't the worst, but it was pretty weird. 

Tracee Ellis Ross disagrees with the judges
It must be a great feeling to be a designer on the show and see that the guest judge is someone you really admire. Contestant Laurie cried when she saw actress Tracee Ellis Ross on the other side of the runway. So it was a pretty awesome moment when Tracee disagreed with a couple of the other judges on the pair of pants that Laurie created: "I'm going to be crazy here, but it doesn't bother me! The drop crotchy thing does not bother me!" The best guest judges are the ones who aren't afraid to stand out with their opinions. 

Zac Posen calls out Edmond
As much as I miss Michael Kors, I think Zac Posen does a great job as a judge on this program. He is snarky, funny, and clearly knows his stuff. Edmond and Hanmiao were paired together for the Caribbean look.  His designs are much hipper and cooler than Hanmiao's. Her kooky design aesthetic reminds me a lot of Sandhya from season 13. Hanmiao clearly struggled with the assignment and was probably really stressed by the fact that her partner had immunity. Her looks from the previous challenges were not memorable, and yesterday was really her time to go. That being said, I thought it was spot-on when Zac Posen called Edmond out during the critique. Edmond clearly did not create anything presentable, and Hanmiao was not entirely to blame for the disastrous look. If Edmond did not have immunity, I think there would have been a decent chance that he would have gotten eliminated as well.


Jake rambling during the critique
When a designer ends up in the top three, usually the critique goes well. But oh no, Jake had a way of making what is supposed to be a great moment into a really cringe-worthy one. It was so painful to watch him complain about his teammate Lindsey. Dude, you are in the top three, neither of you are going to get eliminated, why are you throwing her under the bus unnecessarily? Jake made himself look really bad in front of the other contestants. Why would anyone want to work with him in the next team challenge? 

This was the winning look?
I nearly gagged when the model came down the runway in this look. Those pants are so unflattering, and that cape looks like it was made out of 1970s window drapes. I was shocked that Ashley and Candice were the winners. I heard an 'oh god!' when my boyfriend walked into the living room and saw the model walk down the runway on the television. I don't understand how all the judges liked this one. The color combinations are not pleasing and the proportion of those pants are off.

If it were up to me, Blake and Kelly would have won for their jumpsuit. I thought their model looked stunning in the outfit. The design was sexy and very fashion forward.

The next episode airs on Lifetime on August 27 at 9PM EST. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

2 Different Ways to Get a Free Redbox Rental

Text the word MOVIENIGHT to 727272 to receive a code for a free movie rental at Redbox. I am not sure when this promotion expires. If it doesn't work for you, please comment below and I will update this blog post.

According to an August 13th post on Redbox's Facebook page, if you buy a Big Gulp at 7 Eleven, you will receive a promo code for one free rental. The code should be on the back of a peel-off sticker located on the cup. This promotion goes until August 31. 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Free Screening of 'No Escape' in Los Angeles on August 17

If you live in the LA area, tomorrow is your chance to check out a free showing of the upcoming thriller 'No Escape.' For more details about the screening, click here

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Trailer for 'Burnt'

Bradley Cooper is one of the busiest actors in Hollywood, so it is no surprise to me that he has a new movie coming out in October. Check out the trailer below for 'Burnt':

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Arby's Bids Farewell to Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart is ending his run as host of 'The Daily Show' tonight. If you are a fan of the program, you are probably familiar with how much Stewart loves making fun of the restaurant chain Arby's. Arby's decided to be good sports about all the attention they received from him. They recently released two ads paying tribute to the comedian. Check them out below: