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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Matt Damon & Jimmy Kimmel Go to Couples Therapy

Matt Damon is busy this week promoting his upcoming movie 'The Martian.' He appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Monday night in a hilarious sketch. Check it out below:

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Will the Chicago Cubs Fulfill 
the 'Back to the Future 2' Prophecy?

When Marty McFly travels to the year 2015 in 'Back to the Future: Part 2,' he finds out that the Chicago Cubs have just won the World Series. Well, funny enough, the long suffering team is currently in the playoffs. The team plays the Cincinnati Reds tonight at 7:10 PM E.S.T. 


Sunday, September 27, 2015

New Episode of 'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver' Today

Last Sunday there wasn't an episode of 'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver' due to the Emmy Awards. But on the episode that aired on September 13, the show announced that it was closing its Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption Church. I was sad because I donated to the church (all proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders), but I hadn't yet received anything in the mail from them. I was so excited when I checked my mailbox this week because my envelope arrived!

I really hope John Oliver announces on the show tonight how much money his fake church ended up raising for Doctors Without Borders. The new episode airs on HBO at 11 PM.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

'Project Runway': Episode 8 Recap

Season 14 of 'Project Runway' has been entertaining as hell. There have been some funny characters, cool outfits have been made, and even the guest judges have been memorable. However, I don't think the designers have been as talented as those from other seasons. Thursday's episode had a lot of bad looks. The challenge was simple enough. The contestants were literally allowed to design anything they wanted. They even were able to shop at Mood this time! Yay! How did so many of them mess this challenge up? Let's take a look at some highlights from episode 8.

Kelly is a 90s homegirl
Kelly might love the 90s more than I do. Look at her outfit during her confessional. This is hilarious. Does anyone know what deli she used to work at in Boston? I'll be in Massachusetts in December.

Candice knows how to play the game
Remember when Lindsey was showing Candice what she was working on and Candice said she liked it? HAHAHAHAH I laughed so hard because girl was not convincing at all! But who can blame her for lying this late in the competition? Candice knows this is a game. Why should she help Lindsey this close to the end? That was probably my favorite part of this episode. 

should Laurie have gone home instead of Lindsey?
Lindsey's final outfit was disappointing. It almost looked like a maternity outfit when it come down the runway. But I'm not sure she should have been eliminated over Laurie. Laurie's look was flat out bad. Her poor model looked so trashy. Lindsey's dress was not great, but it at least wasn't embarrassing. I'm guessing the judges were simply bored with Lindsey's looks and decided it was her time to go home. She was in the bottom several times throughout this season, so their decision makes sense. I think Laurie got really lucky though. She needs to step it up in the next challenge.

I thought the final looks were mediocre. Edmond's black outfit was sexy, but that blue jacket was awful. It was so goofy looking. I cannot believe that Nina Garcia defended it. I was also not a fan of Swapnil's dress. I did not think that the two materials went well together. That being said, I can't wait until next week. I'm pretty sure immunity will be over, and that will make the upcoming episodes more interesting.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Did You Check Out Andy Weir's AMA on Reddit?

I'm super excited for Ridley Scott's upcoming movie, 'The Martian.' The film is based on a science fiction book written by Andy Weir. I am currently reading the novel, so I didn't actually go through the author's Ask Me Anything that was on Reddit today. I'm worried about accidentally reading any spoilers about the book. For those of you who already read the bestseller, you might enjoy his AMA. Check it out here

Saturday, September 19, 2015

'Project Runway' Recap: Episode 7

'Project Runway' has entered that part of the season in which 90 minutes for one episode of a show seems too long. How many times do I need to watch Candice talk shit about other contestants during the testimonials? Just kidding, I actually love watching her be mean. It clearly comes so naturally to her. The sharp haircut matches the personality. Anyway, the designers were forced to do an unconventional materials challenge.....again. There were some great looks, some bad ones, and of course, lots of crying in Thursday's episode.

the drama

I wasn't Jake's biggest fan, but I was sad to see him voluntarily leave the show due to his dog's illness. I cried my heart out when my guinea pigs died, and guinea pigs are really dumb animals. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to put a dog down. I totally understand why Jake decided to go back home early. Remember how upsetting it was when Jack Mackenroth left in season four? 

Ashley got snubbed....AGAIN

I really thought that Ashley's design in the underwear challenge was the best one. I was shocked that Merline won last week. Her look was not very flattering on the model. So I was really surprised that for the second week in a row that Ashley was not the winner. The dress she made was fun and original. I have nothing against Kelly's look. I'm from Boston, so I'm happy that a beantown girl won a challenge. But her dress had a pretty basic cut and shape. Ashley's outfit was more sophisticated and unique.

what is going on with Swapnil?

Being a contestant on this show must be so overwhelming because clearly Swapnil has kinda given up. What was up with that thing he created? It was so wacky. Why is he so unmotivated? Is he simply tired? He has very beautiful eyes, so I don't want to see him go anytime soon. Hopefully he bounces back next week and improves his attitude. 

In the end, Joseph got eliminated. I actually think his reaction was spot on. No, his look wasn't the worst one that walked down the runway. If Merline didn't have immunity, I think she would have been sent home for the scary bird outfit that she created. But did he deserve to stay? No, not really. His looks throughout the season were not that memorable and it was his time to go. I had no problem with Tim Gunn not using his save on Joe. Hopefully next week's episode is a little more conventional. Will a former contestant be brought in to replace Jake? I'm hoping that Blake returns to the contest. The bra and underwear he created last week were awful, but I do miss his personality. He was a funny contestant to watch and it would be cool to see him get a second chance at going to New York Fashion Week. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Free Screening of 'Everest'

The upcoming thriller, 'Everest,' hits theaters this Friday. If you live in southern California, there are a couple of free screenings of the movie taking place tonight. Here is a link with more details.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Trailer for 'The Program'

Being the 90s child that I am, Ben Foster will always be Tucker James from 'Flash Forward' in my mind. Do they still air reruns of that show on The Disney Channel? Anyway, the trailer for his upcoming Lance Armstrong movie is finally out. Check out the video below:

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Throwback Thursday: 'Key and Peele'

It seems hard to believe, but the series finale of the hilarious show 'Key and Peele' aired last night. To honor the great comedy, here is a screenshot of me as an extra on their skit Black Hawk Up. This is from season one episode 2 of the program. You can stream the whole episode on Hulu Plus.

Friday, September 4, 2015

'Project Runway' Recap: Episode 5

Who else watched yesterday's episode and originally thought that the contestants were designing something to do with 'Ghostbusters'? Unfortunately, it turned out to be a paintball-related challenge. Although it was boring watching the designers shoot paint at each other, the rest of the episode was pretty awesome. Why? Because it was another team challenge. There was so much crying, whining, and even backstabbing. It was glorious. Let's take a look at some of the memorable parts of the fifth episode of the season.

confessional gold
Contestants love to talk shit about each other, especially during the confessionals. Swapnil has been giving some hilarious commentary this season. In yesterday's episode he had some funny comments about the other team's collection:

Amanda is finally out
I was so sick of seeing Amanda cry and complain. Yes, group challenges are hard, but you still made this hideous outfit. Even the beautiful model looked frumpy in the dress. Nina Garcia referred to it as a tent, and she was spot on. The judges made the right decision to send Amanda home.

It's pretty common in group challenges for people to conspire to throw someone under the bus. But here's the thing, has there ever been an episode where we actually see a contestant figure this out before the runway show? In yesterday's episode, Laurie reveals to Ashley the alleged plot by Candice, Amanda and Kelly to throw Ashley under the boss during the critique. This scene was so juicy. It was right out of a soap opera.


This week's episode clearly focused on the fact that Ashley got picked last. Of course getting picked last sucks. But you know what's worst than that? Letting it get to you. I was pretty shocked at Ashley's breakdown over getting chosen last. Sure, it was surprising. It was pretty stupid of Candice to choose Amanda over Ashley. What was she thinking? But has anyone in the history of 'Project Runway' ever had such a meltdown over getting chosen last like Ashley did? It really did feel like a 'Project Runway' first. It's usually not that big of a deal. She should have used the opportunity to create something cool to show them. Instead, she ranted a lot about the ordeal, and lost focus as a designer. The outfit she created was not her best work.

I actually don't have anything else to list in my 'worst' section. 'Gunn and Heid' was a dramatic episode filled with lots of surprises. Even Jake turned out to be a great team player, despite his disastrous collaboration with Lindsey a couple episodes back.  Some of the girls tried to throw Ashley under the bus, and it didn't even work! Even if their plan had succeeded, I bet you my life that Tim Gunn would have used his save on her. All in all, not the most interesting premise for a challenge, but it did provide some quality drama! Can't wait for next week!